570 Pine Street, Gold Hill, Boulder, CO 80302
(303) 449-3797
Just outside of Boulder, Colorado and up the scenic, winding, and mostly dirt road through Sunshine Canyon, rests the rustic serene mining town, called Gold Hill, home of Thundersong - Chamber of Sacred Sounds.
While passing the breathtaking view of Indian Peaks, and cresting the last hill before descending into Gold Hill, one gets the distinct feeling that they have been transported through a time portal into the old Western Mining days of the 1800’s. In fact, the first major discovery of gold in Colorado took place in Gold Hill, in 1859. Today, according to a placard at the mouth of Gold Hill, this rustic little mining town has 118 residents and is 8463 feet in elevation. Around town, laid out on a small grid of maintained dirt streets, there are several historic wooden structures - a two-room schoolhouse (the oldest continuously operating public school in Colorado), a General Store and Café, a restored Inn and Restaurant, and a small museum. Dotted among the historic buildings and houses are a number of adorable Western-looking wooden houses, including the renovated-hybrid-home of Jeffrey Combelic, Builder and Keeper of the Thundersong Sound Chamber.
Mountain people are rugged and laid-back. This I know from experience, and the Thundersong – Chamber of Sacred Sounds and Builder, Jeff Combelic, reflect the rugged, laid-back and peaceful Earth Space of these Mountains. Thundersong is set in the mountainside, and reminds me of a hospitable Hobbit abode, with a beautiful welcoming entrance sign that states, “Awareness and Caring”. Looking up at the pattern of the log roof from inside the Chamber, I marvel at the design. It reminds me of vibration in the shape of a diamond! Extraordinary and exquisitely crafted!!!
Jeff is a long time Vipassana Yogic practitioner influenced and inspired by Carlos Castaneda and Krishna Murti. He met his current teacher, Bhante Gunaratana in 1980 and Jeff has facilitated yearly Vipassana Retreats in the Thundersong Chamber since 1990.
Inspiration for the Chamber:
Before meeting Joseph Rael, Beautiful Painted Arrow, Jeff had visions to build an underground ceremonial chamber, and was doing Sweat Lodges and Peace Pipe Ceremonies with a man named Eagle Elk, who lived near Gold Hill.
Then the old adage “when the student is ready, the teacher will come” manifested in Jeff’s life. He had been invited to a gathering where he met Joseph, and by the spring of 1987, Jeff became a student of Joseph’s. Their first work together centered on Story Telling and then branched out into learning the ways of Shamanic Journeying.
Along the Way, Jeff heard Joseph’s Sound Chamber vision. Inspiration struck Jeff, as his and Joseph’s visions linked, and in August of 1988, ground was broken, for what was to become the Thundersong Chamber of Sacred Sounds. Thundersong was completed and dedicated by Joseph Rael, Beautiful Painted Arrow on January 7th 1990, and at this dedication, Joseph gave the Fire Ceremony to the Thundersong community, 15 years before any of the other Chambers were aware of the Fire Ceremony. Since that first Fire Ceremony, the Chamber Community has witnessed a marvelous diversity of ceremonies, including frequent sweats at the ample Sweat Lodge, which was built in 2008 next to Thundersong.
Joseph’s Mystic work was very active in the Gold Hill area during the early to mid- 90’s, and in the spring of 1990, Joseph came to Gold Hill to teach Ceremony. Then, Joseph invited Jeff and 7 or so elders to his Chamber in Bernallio New Mexico, to learn more Ceremony. The Ute Elders decided to move Joseph to the Colorado Ute reservation in the late 1990’s and his devoted students Mike Wollard, Oceana, Almut, Keith Hagberry and Jeff Combelic, helped to build Joseph’s house and current Sound Chamber on the Reservation.
Being that the Sacred Drift has me ‘stationed’ in Colorado for so many moons, it has been such a pleasure to take part in Ceremony in the wondrous Thundersong Chamber. The space and ceremonies have generated some very special energies and beautiful, indelible connections.
I would like to illustrate one such connection, with an incredible Authentic Elder and facilitator of the Fire Ceremonies in Thundersong, Grandfather Bob Mason. I first met Grandfather last August of 2015 upon landing in Colorado, and his introduction was so spectacular that I felt instantly connected to this humble, patient, wise being. He smiled extended his hand and said, “You must be Lisamarie. How may I serve you?” I found this openhearted statement of service compelling and engaging! We sat down in Thundersong, did a Sound Journey ceremony and then communicated for nearly 5 hours! My vision spilled forth into this Authentic Elder’s patient, interested and understanding ears, and we threaded experiences and story. Our relationship has unfolded with such amazing heart, trust and friendship! Something one does not experience very often in a lifetime. I am deeply humbled and grateful for Grandfather’s presence in my life, and for the sacred connection that we established in Thundersong!