Sound Journeys
A Sound Journey is a personal private vibrational, je ne sais quoi.
Loose clothing is helpful, and the participant will be asked to receive the journey in Savasana, within a prepared and comfortable space. If you have a drum, please bring it, and any personal items that you feel would benefit you in your Sound Journey a.k.a. photos, crystals, stones etc. The suggested energy exchange for the Sound Journey is $150, and may be negotiable depending on your circumstances. Anyone is invited to receive Sound Journey, and there are no exclusions or discrimination based on income or anything else. I have even worked with Animals!
Note: The One-on-One Sound Journeys are personal and private. What unfolds in a being’s Sound Journey is special and sacred. There will be no photos, recording or documentation of these experiences.
Work With Me
I offer One-on-One Shamanic Sound Journey Meditations to anyone who intuits the need for one or would like to receive one.
Please allow 1 ½ hours to journey when scheduling an appointment.
To schedule a Sound Journey, please send me an email:
A little bit about my background:
I have cultivated skills as an orchestral, chamber and ceremonial flutist for over 4 decades. I have worked with people in Hospice, given music therapies to children and adults in India, Turkey, South Africa and all over "Turtle Island" (North America). I have entered into Sound Journey with those living with conditions such as Parkinson’s, MS, affects of strokes and trauma, after surgery recovery, with family of loved ones in the transition of life and death, with animals, and so much more.
Each Sound Journey has been quite unique and intuitively arises in the present moment of each recipient. The Sound Journey includes vibrations from Shamanic Native American Flutes, frame drums, hand percussion, Tibetan bells, gongs and vocal sound. Many Mystic Traditions have been woven into this tapestry of mine, and I have been called to this vocation to offer what is offered through the 'tiny hallow bone". Not knowing is most intimate. Let’s see what magnificence arises!
To read more about my experiences and receive a free download of my Earth meditations click here.
The Alchemy of Love: Mevlana/Rumi Poetry
This message is a most meaningful heart-touching realization, and I have sent it to many of the Sound Journey recipients around the globe.