Within the South African Skies and Earth-spaces, amazing aerial and grounded winged artists can be heard and seen! Wingeds, Birds and Raptors – by any name. I reveled in their majestic graceful presence and sounds in all of the South African communities that were weaved into the tapestry of the Sacred Drift.
A divine Spirit Sister, Janine Chauveau, whom I connected deeply with in 2014 and has been vicariously Sacred Drifting with me ever since, offered to host me in her South African home for a few days in October of 2017. One of the opportunities Janine gifted me with was meeting an extraordinary woman, Lorna Stanton, who rescues Raptors from all over South Africa and cares for them at the Bateleur Raptor Rescue Center, which she founded.
There are some Bodhisattva Beings that quietly and humbly do their important compassionate work for the Earth Mother and Sentient Beings, and Lorna is one of those Bodhisattvas. She sometimes needs to travel immense distances to pick up distressed, abused and injured Raptors, before taking them to her sanctuary, Bateleur Raptor Rescue Center, for rehabilitation. Lorna, with love, dedication and determination runs the Raptor Rescue solely at her own expense and whatever donations come her way. Some of the magnificent Wingeds are injured beyond releasing back into the wild and Lorna cares for them compassionately.
During my time spent at Bateleur, Lorna, Janine, the adorable rescue canines, the magnificent owls, eagles and hawks, and I held ceremony together. Utilizing the power of vibration through the shamanic Native American flutes, voices and Ancestral Buffalo Drum, while Lorna purified the perimeter of the sanctuary with sage, a magical transformative shift in the energies of the Wingeds was felt. It was as if they were letting us know that they appreciated Lorna’s care, affection, and the vibrations that they were receiving. WOW!
Bateleur Raptor Rescue Center
The center has been situated in the northeastern suburbs of Johannesburg for more than 20 years. It is not open to the general public.
Birds of prey frequently require rescuing in the wild as our fast expanding human population is destroying their natural habitat.
In particular, the larger Eagles and Owls are regularly and actively persecuted by South Africa’s farming and rural communities.
Several hundred of these and other raptors need rescuing annually, because they are poisoned, shot, stoned, orphaned or involved in collisions with vehicles, power lines and fences.
If you feel inspired to aid Lorna in the work that she does with the Wingeds, donations would be gratefully accepted and are much needed. American Dollars go really far in South Africa! It’s simple, just use her PayPal account, send Lorna an e-mail to let her know you are donating and know that all your information is kept confidential with paypal.
A week after inter-being with the Raptor Rescue family, Lorna, Janine and I entered into Sound Journey together within the Wind Walker Peace Chamber. We held intentions to benefit all the sentient beings of the earth, oceans, skies, and of restoring wholesomeness to the Wind Walker land, as well as sending Metta out in all 10 directions. It was quite the powerful and touching Sound Journey! Lots of Loving Kindness!
I must relay a bit about the special moments spent with my Delightfully Divine Spirit Sister, Janine! Janine is such a generous Woman!!! She was the first one to respond to the South African Sacred Drift invitation, being sure to ensure our time together! When I received no response from the Elders and Community of the Wind Walker Peace Chamber, Janine was so willing to pick me up from and drop me off at the airport, take me to Botshabelo and deliver me wherever I needed to be. In the end, a dear man named Curt offered to deliver me to all the above and Janine and I concentrated on our friendship. :o))) Janine nourished me with food, playtime with her Bearded Dragon and Doggie, laughter, sharing, her time, love and compassion! She drove me all around Johannesburg and surrounding places, so I could gather art supplies and other materials for my time at the Botshabelo Orphanage … AND … Janine, understanding that I love Love LOVE Indian cuisine, took me to an Indian restaurant and allowed me to gift her with a Durban specialty, only to be found in South Africa…Bunny Chow! She thought I would absolutely devour this delicious dish of vegetable curry stuffed in the hollow of a half a loaf of bread…and she was ‘right on the money’!!! Deeeeeelish!!! Thank you Beautiful, for the magical time spent together! I LOVE YOU…YOU ARE EXCELLENT!!!